EM data acquisition: J. Kornfeld
Alignment: J. Kornfeld & A. Pope (V. Jain's team, Google Research)
SyConn processing: P. Schubert
Cell & ultrastructure segmentation: M. Januszewski (V. Jain's team, Google Research)
EM data acquisition: J. Kornfeld
Alignment: J. Kornfeld & A. Pope (V. Jain's team, Google Research)
SyConn processing: P. Schubert
Cell & ultrastructure segmentation: M. Januszewski (V. Jain's team, Google Research), S. Dorkenwald, P. Schubert
Please note that the neuron reconstructions, synapse predictions and cell type classifications are best effort. We would appreciate feedback if you think you have discovered a systematic problem that deserves more attention! We are also currently working on creating a downloadable version of the data for offline analysis. If you are interested in running the SyConn analysis steps ( cf. SyConn2 paper ), you can find the example data and models here.
The currently available data sets, j0251 (256 x 256 x 384 µm) and j0126 (96 x 98 x 114 µm), were acquired from adult male zebra finch area X, a basal ganglia area responsible for song learning that contains striatal and pallidal-like cell types. Both data sets were acquired in the department of Winfried Denk at the MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg.